Compassionate Leadership

Tools for Modern Management


The Compassionate Leadership Speaker Series

The Modern Compassionate Leader

12 Essential Characteristics of the Rising Sales Leader

Jim delivers a variety of programs for clients on the subject of compassionate leadership, based on his award-winning book: “The Modern Compassionate Leader.” Options include keynote speeches, conference talks and training, small group and individual coaching, and customized programs. Jim enjoys matching his approach to the needs of his client.

All speaking programs include up to 6 hours of follow-up one-to-one coaching sessions. These sessions are targeted to your organization’s key leaders and are designed to put compassionate leadership principles into action to produce measurable results.

Visit Jim’s author page:

Compassionate Leadership Program Modules

Strategic Leadership

Strategic Thinking ● Long Range Focus ● Managerial Courage

Leaders who fully commit to their authored or assigned strategy and align their teams behind the strategy achieve success. They are the champions for the long view, making today’s decisions courageously to keep everyone connected to the strategy.

Productive Leadership

Functional Competence ● Productive Intent ● Sound Judgment

Execution is the ante for all successful leaders. Today’s leaders must possess the knowledge and intention to deliver results and make decisions that help teams win.

The Heart of Leadership

Empathy ● Transparency ● Humility

Leaders and their team members are full persons. Intellect and emotion are embraced, not separated by the compassionate leader. Honest, personal relationships are the key to creating teams that win together and stay together.

Assertive Leadership

Calm Steadiness ● Learning Orientation ● Pragmatic Resilience

Leaders who withstand storms that arrive without notice guide teams effectively. Assertive leaders hold a curious mindset even when circumstances are most difficult. They fully commit to success and recover quickly from setbacks.

To schedule a consultation with Jim to speak at your event, contact him at

Order Jim’s Book (click image to learn more):

“The Modern Compassionate Leader – 12 Essential Characteristics of the Rising Sales Leader


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